Frequently asked questions.

What’s the difference between Infrared Saunas and Traditional Saunas?

Traditional saunas use steam to heat the air around the body in order to evoke the benefits of sweating. Infrared saunas use rays to heat up the body without raising the overall temperature of the room. Far Infrared combines with Near Infrared rays to travel through the skin up to several inches deep, helping to increase the overall effectiveness. Infrared saunas can stay cooler than traditional saunas because they focus on heating up the body itself rather than using the room to do so. Traditional saunas have a much higher level of humidity than infrared saunas do.

What do I wear in the sauna?

You can wear anything you feel comfortable getting sweaty! Some of our clients prefer to wear swim wear or undergarments, while others prefer to only wear a towel into the sauna. Because our cabins are private, you can feel confident that your privacy will be respected and you can wear whatever you would like to.

What if I can’t stay in the sauna for the entire 45 minutes?

You can come in and out of the cabin as often as you need to for your comfort and personal safety. We always advise those who are new to the experience to pay special attention to their bodies. We have a bench in every room that is outside of the sauna so you can take as many breaks and as much time as you need in the cool room-temperature air before going back into the heated sauna.

What do I bring with me for my appointment?

We pride ourselves in providing our clients with most of what they would need to enjoy our experiences, including a stocked shower room to rinse off after their service appointment. Some things that may be a good idea to bring along with you are a bluetooth-capable device to hook up to, a book, a journal, a change of clothes, a water bottle, or even a light snack to enjoy after you’re done! If you have any specific questions, feel free to give us a call or shoot us a text message and we’ll be happy to help!

What should I do to prepare for my appointment?

Most of our services are rooted in the detoxification process. A great way to naturally support this is to increase your water intake 24-48 hours before and after your appointment. You can also go on a light walk before and after to support your lymphatic system. A good night sleep is also vital to the body’s repair process.

What are the side effects of the Infrared Sauna?

Infrared Saunas have many more side benefits than side effects. It has been shown to be generally safe and well tolerated. However, some side effects have been reported. Side effects are generally mild and temporary, occurring only during or shortly after use. These include:

+ Heat discomfort or intolerance
+ Irritated breathing
+ Lightheadedness or low blood pressure

There are a few steps you can take that may help to reduce the risk of side effects:

+ Drink water
+ Avoid alcohol
+ Avoid saunas if you’re running a fever
+ Listen to your body
+ Build tolerance gradually

If you have a known heat sensitivity, heart conditions, and chronic pain conditions including rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and ankylosing spondylitis, you should seek medical advice before scheduling an appointment. The use of certain medications may also affect your response to sauna therapy and should be discussed with your practitioner.